Unhealthy Weight in PBC

In Florida, from 1990 the rates of obesity in Floridian’s have increased steadily from 12% up to as high as 27% in 2011. According to 2014 data, 62% of adult (18+) Floridians were considered to be overweight or obese which increases this adult populations risk of chronic preventable disease such as: hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Out of 67 counties in Florida, Palm Beach is ranked 57th highest in percent of adults who are overweight or obese with 60.1% of adult being considered overweight or obese based on 2013 data. From 2002 until 2007, obesity rates in Palm Beach County gradually declined by two percent from 16.4% to 14.5%. However, from 2002 to 2010 the overall percent or adults that are overweight or obese have gradually increased by 4.4% from 56.9% to 61.3%. When examined by race and ethnicity, the percent of adults who are obese or overweight has decreased by 2.5% for non-Hispanic Whites, while increasing by 22.1% for non-Hispanic African-Americans and 5.1% for Hispanics from 2010 to 2013.

1. Florida Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System telephone survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Florida Department of Health Division of Community Health Promotion.

Five Main Strategies

  1. Integrate physical activity every day in every way
  2. Make healthy food available everywhere
  3. Strengthen schools as the heart of health
  4. Empower employers to provide healthy worksites
  5. Market what matters for a healthy life

Four Healthy Places

  1. Early Care and Education
  2. Schools
  3. Communities
  4. Worksites

One Healthy Message

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